Nice to meet you, I'm Jena.
Hello, i'm Jena Priebe. I live in Los Angeles and like to make large installations and sculptures. I create my art from a place of joy. Growing up in Upper Michigan on a small farm, i would often steal away into the woods somewhere on our 160 acres of land and play alone for hours. My brothers and I weren't really allowed to watch TV, so were forced to flex our creative muscles every single day. I am so eternally grateful to my mom & dad for throwing us outside every. single. day. I attribute my passion for creating art directly to this constant adventure and exploration.
It really taught me the value of everything. Of the land, of objects and material, of machining and building and of people and how to treat them. We never threw anything useful away and we often coveted old found objects for further use. I was taught to always be inventive in reusing things. Thus I always see things as usable and upcycle them. I enjoy their potential.
I often work with a juxtaposition of organic (paper, leather, textile) and mechanical or industrial elements (Steel,computer innards, gears, rocketry parts).
Three-dimensional art is what I enjoy most. Especially still-action installation work, sculpture and assemblage. I like working with steel and vintage ephemera primarily.
I know that in time, we will no longer have the natural resources to produce these tangible, tactile books and pages. They are a gift we can savor now and soon to be ghosts of the future when everything becomes digital. Which is why they seem so very valuable to me. My work challenges our need to consume and our obsession with technology.